Fuelled by Social Alchemy

We fuel business internet marketing.

Posts Tagged ‘advertising

Typography & Illustration as Effective Marketing Tools

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Visual engagement is a fundamental part of digital marketing, and often the trick is balancing a tactical strategy with creative content.

Guest Post: Typography & Illustration as Effective Marketing Tools

Friend and colleague, Charlotte Mary Rose recently wrote this article on the importance of illustration and typography within marketing communications. As a photographer, blogger and Head of Creative Communications for creative production company Jelly London, she has her finger on the pulse of art and design within the marketing and advertising industry. Here are her thoughts…

Written by Fuelled by Social Alchemy

26/11/2013 at 3:13 pm

Marketing Industry Agencies Have Marketing Problems Too

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Let’s be honest. Many agencies, from all disciplines of marketing, have a guilty secret: problems marketing themselves.

The Marketing Paradox

The Marketing Paradox

The wealth of knowledge and experience within an agency is channelled to improve growth of paying clients, and not used to improve the growth of the agency, despite how competitive the marketing industry is.

As a result, agencies themselves often have poor marketing. It can be seen across all sectors; from the creative, to advertising, digital and PR: out-dated website design and coding, quiet or irregular social media presence, ineffective optimisation for search engines, few visible case studies, and little or no agency advertising and PR.

The Reason… and the Real Reasons.

Our branded website is finally live!

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For the last four months we’ve been working with our friends at What Creative design agency to build a responsive site that encompasses our alchemy branding.


We have replaced our single-page with a more interactive and informative site, keeping our blog posts and services within the same domain! Grab a cuppa and take a look around… www.fuelledbysocialalchemy.com!

Written by Fuelled by Social Alchemy

06/12/2012 at 12:18 pm